You really want to change it up? Make it Happen

How many times do we sit and think to ourselves how much we want to try something or take up a hobby we have been really curious about?  Days, weeks and years fly by and we hold on to that idea without ever doing anything about it.  We go through our lives hitting the marks yearning for something else.  I’m not talking about abandoning our lives as we know it, but adding to the house we have already built.  How do we think it’s going to happen?  From God?  By Chance? Your fairy God Mother is on her way with wand in tow?

What is keeping us from getting started or signing up for that art class?
I have a good friend Nancy who was a voice actress.  Talk about a great gig. Work a few days a month and make enough to live comfortably.  After several years Nancy became a little disenchanted with going on auditions and standing alone in a booth.  Nancy has always been a great baker, and was looking around for great gluten and wheat free baked goods;  recipes to try at home or a spot to go enjoy a healthier muffin with her coffee. To her dismay, nothing.  She began experimenting with wheat and gluten free banana bread recipes. Friends and family loved her bread, and after several years of them being gobbled up as quickly as she could pull them out of the oven she decided to go the Farmers Market with her baked goods.  At first Nancy only went about twice a month to the market.  Within two hours all her “BaNancy” bread was gone.  Long story short her neighbor is an accomplished pastry chef who was yearning to break out on her own.  Here we are two years later and Nancy is a proud co owner of Fonuts bakery.  A wonderful little spot that offers baked and risen donuts as well as a scrumptious assortment of wheat and gluten free fake donuts ala Fonuts. Nancy did not know she was going to end up here, or have some grand expectation. For her it was about the fun and the exploration.

My point is that we all have other “us’s” inside that want to try things.  I’m not suggesting that the expectation is a career change, but how about another outlet?  Why can’t you?  Don’t stop yourself from obliging that whisper that has been reaching out to you.  There are so many things I want to do and try and I really don’t want to stop myself from doing them.  There are times they seem like they may be a lot of work, but if the desire is strong enough and it makes sense then I’m willing to take on the work. The effort is an easy price to pay compared to the ‘what if’s’ or never trying.

Nothing is going to get handed to you, and the people around you are not mind readers.  Only you know that special want inside your heart.  Go for it!