Have Some Fun

Have Some Fun

Have Some Fun I realized something about training that is so important. Have some fun!! What a concept. I go day after day doing my “workout routine” or better yet “regimen” mindlessly grinding through it. Today, I had a pool workout where a...
My Be Healthy Top 10 List By Gabby Reece

My Be Healthy Top 10 List By Gabby Reece

My Be Healthy Top 10 List What does your checklist look like? I started thinking about my list of areas to focus on when I’m trying to be healthy, keep stress at bay, and stay in shape. Here’s my list… Exercise. I find this to be the one medicine...
Why are we so surprised athletes “cheat”?

Why are we so surprised athletes “cheat”?

Why are we so surprised athletes “cheat”? Why are we so surprised athletes “cheat” when we have sent a clear message that we only care about winning? Around the world and especially in the US we really only want to talk to #1.  We want our...