Episode #193 Measuring Success Beyond Data & Finding Your Path to Longevity: A Look Back on Tips from Christian McCaffrey, Steven Kotler, Jill Miller & More
On today’s show, I’ll be reflecting on some of the key takeaways from our recent shows.
To start off, I want to share something personal with you. Lately, I’ve been struggling to maintain a consistent workout routine. Despite my best efforts, I’m finding it challenging to exercise as regularly as I’d like to. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s okay to adapt my workouts to suit my current circumstances. By doing so, I’m able to prioritize my well-being while making progress towards my personal goals.
Additionally, I’m excited to delve into the topic of relying on data and technology versus staying connected to our internal selves when it comes to tracking our progress. As someone who’s been in the fitness industry for a while, I’ve seen the growing trend of measuring devices and metrics. However, I want to emphasize the importance of tuning in to our bodies and being mindful of our physical and emotional needs. We’ll explore this topic together and discuss how to find a balance between the two.
Furthermore, we’ll talk about the fundamental building blocks for optimal health, such as proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management. I want to remind you that it’s not just about the action we take but our perspective on why we’re doing it. I’ll share some of my personal experiences and insights that have helped me develop a healthy perspective on the value of health and wellness.
Lastly, as someone who has trained for 35+ years, I’ve come to realize that developing a sustainable approach to health and wellness is crucial for long-term success. I’ll be sharing some tips and strategies that have worked for me and how you can apply them to your own unique circumstances.
Thank you for joining me on this wild journey towards optimal health and well-being. As always, I hope you find this engaging and informative.
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Key Topics:
- Working Out and Training in Cold Season [00:00:09]
- Reflections on Past Episodes: Nutrition [00:01:29]
- Training Transition from Winter to Spring [00:08:57]
- Being in Nature And Connecting [00:10:27]
- Contributing Good to the World [00:18:20]
- Using Your Intuition [00:23:21]
- On Morpheus and Peluvas [00:26:25]
- What Do You Want to Do Next? [00:28:45]
- Sleep and Hydration [00:30:52]
- Fear in a Changing World [00:34:57]
- Episodes to Come [00:38:06]
#193 Measuring Success Beyond Data & Finding Your Path to Longevity: A Look Back on Tips from Christian McCaffrey, Steven Kotler, Jill Miller & More
I’m going to do a solo episode and maybe review some of the previous shows and talk about training. Supposedly we’re moving into spring but it has been winter. For all of us, even in California, it’s been cold and rainy. I’ll start there. It’s not that I beat myself up but doing less is always harder for me. You’re balancing, “Am I genuinely tired and is it cold? Is this a time I should be listening to my body and doing things that are a little more yin?”
I’ll do more stretching or lower-toned workouts but then I’m beating myself up the whole time, completely hammering down on the fact that I’m not training as hard as I should be. It’s an interesting thing, it’s like, “Why bother?” During these darker mornings, colder days, and having an event coming up, I accept that it’s a cycle seasonally and that I can’t just be grinding it out the way I do maybe in June, July, and August.
I have been navigating that. I have upped my protein intake, which has helped me. Any time I’m going to grab something to eat and snack, I’ll make sure that there’s enough fat so I get that satisfaction but focus on protein. After talking to Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, Dr. Stacey Sims, and everyone, getting that protein. Occasionally, I will have a protein smoothie. My only thing with that is I try to avoid liquids in general because that whole notion of getting calories and sugar without fiber, I’ve been always trying to avoid.
Back to Dr. Robert Lustig who talks about what happens when you drink things without sugar and calories and how that can go more to the liver first. I’ve been avoiding that. However, I will do it to get the protein. I noticed a difference, I feel less inflamed. It’s not that I’m supporting my muscle tissue with protein but I’m eating less of the other things. I’m not going to lie, I will eat. If it’s a high-quality bread, it’s risen, I will have it. I don’t have a lot but I will have it.
Laird, for example, doesn’t eat that stuff. I’ll have a little bit here and there. I don’t know if it keeps me in check then I don’t go crazy on anything but my nutrition consists of real food, fruits, vegetables, and high-quality animal protein. I have been feeling I’m a little bit off cooking. I don’t want to say over I’m over it. Luckily, one of my daughters came home for a bit and she is a good cook so she’s taken over. I go through phases and that’s in everything in my training and even how focused I am, it goes in and out. Rather than judging it, which I do, I try to observe it.
Speaking of routines, one of the interviews I had was with Bryan Johnson. I don’t know if you’ve checked him out but Bryan is a gentleman whose company had sold Venmo to PayPal and eBay for quite a lot of money. After that, he had been battling depression and he decided that he was going to go on this experiment. I always found it interesting. People got into an uproar. It’s funny to me that people get mad, like, “Someone is doing this experiment.” It’s like, “It’s his time, his body, and his money. Let’s see what happens.”
It was fascinating. I went to his home. He was kind, generous, and different than me as far as living philosophies. There was something interesting that he said to me, he said, “I let my mind be in charge and it didn’t do a great job.” He talked about firing Nighttime Bryan, which I thought was interesting, and using all these metrics. He’s measuring metrics so he’s eating the same foods and taking the same 105 or so supplements each day and measuring 200 data points, even the skin. Maybe it’s not just about slow aging. Could you reverse your biological age and things with these practices?
There wasn’t a ton of room for spontaneity, maybe a different type of activity like you could go hiking one day and play basketball another day. Otherwise, from 5:30 to 9:30 AM, it was the same routine, eating the same foods every day, which does fly in the face of talking about being biodiverse and having a lot of diverse foods, colors, and things in your diet. However, I understand because he’s doing a baseline study so it’s like, “If you change one little thing, what was the thing that impacted the end result?” I get why he’s doing it but it was fascinating. He’s been doing it for over two years. When you ask him, “How long are you going to do it?” He’s like, “Forever.”
I’ll be interested to see what happens. If you haven’t checked out Bryan Johnson and you’re interested in that, he’s bright. One of the things he said to me is, “When you leave here, you’re going to beat yourself up that you didn’t ask me certain things,” which happens after every interview. I never know what information. Was there a real value? Was there a stream of consciousness? I’m always like, “I don’t know.” He said, “You’ll beat yourself up about it.” I thought, “No, I won’t.” I’ll notice and I’ll be like, “I should have asked that.”
[bctt tweet=”Be our best advocate and keep looking for that information that feels and lands well for us.”]
That also made me realize that sometimes someone like Bryan who’s, in a different way, way more intelligent than me and probably way more internally critical, which might have also led to some of the depression, as the word he used. Also, when people experience that anxiety or sadness that they have an acute awareness about other things and they’re tough on themselves. I’m tough on myself but not that tough. I was like, “Bryan, I’m a blue-collar regular girl compared to what you have going on inside of your head.” I enjoyed it.
I also appreciated that people are passionate about what other people are doing. That’s indicative of the world around us. If someone isn’t hurting somebody and they want to do something like ice only on their left big toe every day for eight minutes, why do people react to things? We get that too with XPT, we have people writing us being like, “There are no health issues,” or, “If you have a heart thing, you should be careful.” It’s like, “Of course.”
However, this is an old practice that people have enjoyed whether it’s because it’s difficult and you overcome something or whether it’s hormone regulation or anything like that. I’m always surprised that not only people react but also that they’ll take time to comment and things like that. We’re all working it out.
I did speak also with Dan Garner. What I love about Dan is how passionate he is. There were several key takeaways and one was about getting blood work and getting the right person to read your blood work. The other thing that came across is I asked him about seed oils because I bang on all the time about it, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, and he added mac nut oil, and he likes it.
My dilemma was Andrew Huberman, who I respect so much, and Rob Mohr, who’s his producer and partner, don’t have an issue. They don’t think there’s enough data about seed oil. What Dan Garner said, because I asked him about it, which I thought was a great differentiating point, was he doesn’t think there are any bad ingredients, he thinks that there’s bad nutrition. Maybe simplifying it is a lot of the products that we buy that have a lot of junk in them have these less expensive seed oils. I thought that that was a great differentiating point. I don’t know if it brings any clarity to that or not.
Back to winter transitioning into spring training. For several months, I have been slower and a little more quiet. On the days I have more energy, I go for it. Generally, the only way I’m still getting it done is on the days that I can meet with other people and train with them because then I have to show up so I’ll be on time. I have to train at that specific time. The output is bigger because I’m drafting and feeding off of their energy.
If I could encourage you, let’s say you’re having a hard time getting going because you live in a place that’s cold or gray or maybe you’re having a hard time getting going like you haven’t been training in a long time or ever. I would say, can you create that community? You’ve got to have 1 or 2 people because then it’s that feeding off of each other to get it done. I don’t care who you are. I’ve met a few but not many who can generate the energy that we need to see benefits from exercise at least sprinkled throughout our routine.
Fine, walking is valuable and important and you may not need someone to do that well. On some of the others where you want to get that jump in heart rate or a little more intensity throughout the week, I feel that we need someone to get that done. That was my point of going on to that tangent. I’m not sure where you’re at. I’m giving you that reminder and also reminding you that everybody goes through it.
Laird, honestly, when there are no waves, sits at our counter some days and we’ll lift weights, go pool training, heat, ice, or whatever, these are real luxuries to be able to have these options. He wants to be in nature and he wants to be riding waves. He looks at banging iron for the sake of banging iron as a colossal waste of time. He’s genuinely not only confused by it but I see him almost get depressed because it’s not creative and not doing.
For him, it’s like, “Let’s go do something hard but let’s be in nature.” That’s being alive and living. We’ve been together for over 27 years. I have to say that something I’ve observed about him for over 27 years is the way that the world works for him like people in traffic and frustrated and on this hedonic treadmill. It is hard on him. I start thinking, “This guy has got to get it together.” After that, I think, “He’s right.” I’m going to use him as a north star to help me not get too stuck on that treadmill myself. It can be challenging to live with that perspective of somebody.
What you realize is there might be someone in your life where they don’t think something is right. I don’t mean it in a moral way but it’s like, “Why do we do it this way?” Rather than bucking up against it or trying to get them to conform, I’m like, “You’re right, there’s some weird stuff. We do a lot of weird things. Being together and appreciating nature and doing these things would serve us better but we don’t live in a world like that.”
I have learned that dance is like anything in marriage, if you’re in a relationship, never mind marriage, what is that thing that the person is saying and where does that come from? Is there a real validity that can support or improve the way we see things because they’re uncomfortable? I hear him and I want to solve it or be like, “You shouldn’t feel that way,” but then I go, “No, let him.” Also, what is the value or truth that I can be better or I can look at it differently or things like that?
For him, computer, social media, and all that stuff, he’s like, “What are we all doing?” It’s an interesting question, what are we all doing? Most of us have been feeling that way. COVID has brought that into perspective. The media doing their best to keep us all thinking that we’re at odds with one another all the time brought into focus, “What are we doing?” We call it, in our house, facing the block, on the phone. We have our faces in the block a lot. Is this what life is now? You’ll have a younger group that maybe has been raised with that technology but it is a universal question. Yes, there are a lot of great things that technology brings into our world.
On the humanity side, are there small ways to keep cultivating humanity whether it’s connecting for five seconds at the store? Even with one of my daughters in particular, it becomes increasingly harder for the younger group to simply have a conversation. I don’t mean attention span, I mean eye contact. That’s something I’m going to keep working on. I’m going to keep working on making that easy not only for the people that are in my life and my friends but even when I have daily interactions with all types of people, to make that as easy as possible.

Gabby Reece – It’s your life and no gadget is going to tell you better than you if you can tap into that and be honest.
My hope is that we don’t lose that or that we think it’s normal that we aren’t connecting. There’s no fighting that the technology is coming unless a giant solar flare arrives. Can we find a better way to exist within it? I don’t know. I’m perplexed by the whole thing. The way it gets weaponized against us is heavy to observe and it’s powerful and impactful. Maybe if we all collectively pay attention, be more alert about it, and then every chance we get to be a little kinder, a little more loving, or a little more connected that we have the courage to do that. It doesn’t take long.
I’ve been thinking about getting busier. As people go through time, the whole idea is like, “I’m going to be able to work less.” Certainly, this idea if we’re doing something that we don’t love to do, yes, I understand that. As we get older, it’s important to continue to participate and be busier. This was even confirmed.
I did a podcast with Steven Kotler, his book, GNAR Country, and this whole idea, can you teach an old dog new tricks? Certainly, he shows in this experiment that you can and scientifically have the left and the right hemisphere of the brain communicate better starting at age 50 as long as we’re protecting our cognitive function and health.
I’ve heard something interesting where they’re saying Alzheimer’s should be called diabetes 3 and that it is a lifestyle component. I don’t know, I haven’t dug into that research yet, but I thought that was interesting. It’s not the first time I heard that. Perlmutter mentioned it in Grain Brain where that chronic inflammation that we might feel in our body is a signal. We know and it’s like, “My elbow hurts.” In our brains, we can’t.
I thought that it was interesting when Kotler talked about doing novel things in nature with people does keep your cognitive function working at a higher level and all the other benefits.I enjoyed talking to him because it was a great reminder. He talks about certain things has to happen and one is knowing who you are.
That’s an interesting question for me because how do we know who we are and know our truths and feel like we live in those and simultaneously release everything all at once all the time so that we’re not setting up, in concrete, like, “This is how it is.” It’s easy to do. It’s this weird mixture of knowing who we are, Kotler talks about that. Secondly, it’s having our external life and our jobs reflect that person. Finally, forgiving ourselves and forgive others. He talks about the real importance of those three things happening in our lives and that feels true.
We could all say we had a story about when we were younger. I wish they would teach us when we were young to embrace those stories as the thing that got us to where we are versus wearing that as a code of damage. Certainly, that’s easier said than done, especially if you’ve had something hard or horrific happen to you. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about most of us have something that has happened or many things. If we can survive it, it’s the thing that got us there, but how do we then let that go?
Going back to wanting to be busier, now that my girls are bigger, they don’t need me as much, and they don’t want me as much. How can I participate? How can I contribute? How can I bring what little I know into the world around me? Would I be willing to mentor somebody or many people and usher them into this world? That feels like something that’s important. It echoes Arthur C. Brooks’ book From Strength to Strength where it’s like, “We’re doing one thing and then this idea of helping.” Steven Kotler talked about that. I’ve been listening to a lot of people who say, “We have a responsibility to help whoever we can in whichever way we can.” That only brings value back to us.
My podcast with Jill Miller, she’s incredible. She has a new book and she can teach you how to take care of yourself. These are the kind of people, Jill Miller or Kelly Starret, where it’s like, “We want to help you so that you don’t have to see us anymore.” I appreciated that. I’ve known her for a few years now. I was looking at her physique, she’s almost middle-aged, and I was like, “You look better than you’ve looked.”
Her muscularity doesn’t mean she’s bulky, it’s the tone. She said that she had increased her protein intake. That goes back to the first thing I was talking about. She was certainly one of the inspirations. Paying attention to getting enough protein, she’s a great example of that. I’ve known her for several years and I’m like, “She has never looked better.” She has two little kids. That was a great example of that in practice and play.
My podcast with Christian McCaffrey is out and there were many incredible takeaways in that podcast. As far as relating to us, you and I, the thing he said because this is a guy who measures stuff and gets his blood several times a year checked where he’s at on allergies and everything else, and he does all kinds of stuff in order to be able to do that job. It’s difficult and sophisticated. With all these things in place, all the structure, training, treatments, different modalities, supplementation, and others, he said that he still asks himself, “How is that working? How do I feel?”
I posted about this, for all of us, if you have a physical practice, it’s important, and it seems to be the theme today, to go, “How am I feeling?” It isn’t like, “I’m feeling lazy or uninspired.” I mean in the depths, in your bones, and in your cells, are you tired? That’s the problem sometimes for me with all these measuring devices. Your ring or your thing might say, “It’s terrible for you. You shouldn’t.” You feel great and your output could be doubled.
I want to remind people that the most helpful tool in this world that we live in with people measuring grams of protein, heart rate variability, and all this stuff, is that we have to check in with ourselves. Let’s not get so mired in the data that we lose that ability because that guides us into everything to know how we’re feeling and responding to things. We’re similar and we’re different. What might be working for a friend of yours may or may not work well for you and that’s on you or something could be going on in your life or your relationship and it’s on you to go, “This is working,” or, “This isn’t working.”
We call it clear the decks, keep clearing those decks every single day with everyone and everything in your life because then it’s easier to navigate. We don’t get under the pile of like, “My relationship,” or, “Things with my kids,” or, “Things at my job,” or, “Things with my friends, or whatever that we’re always checking in. It’s your life and no gadget is gonna tell you better than you if you can tap into that and be honest.
I interviewed Laura Day, she’s intuitive. When we talk about using your intuition, that makes everything else more obvious. If you’re navigating business, for example, if that’s all tuned up in you, it doesn’t mean that those challenges aren’t there but it means finding the answers or the solutions that are right show up easier. We sometimes get steered away from that or we think other people have all the answers. I don’t think that’s the case. I want to remind you of trusting yourself. It’s scary, it’s like, “What do I know? I don’t know anything.” One thing you know is yourself and what’s on your heart. Don’t overlook that.
Are we still in COVID? I don’t know this whole thing. I’m sure you noticed if you read this podcast with any regularity, I have stayed away from all of this because I don’t think you can come out of this conversation winning with anything but it keeps bringing it to top-of-pile that we have to take care of our health and we can’t entrust that to anyone else. Be our best advocate and keep looking for that information that feels and lands well for us.
[bctt tweet=”You have to go where you’re naturally attracted, that’s important. There has to be an element too, a strategy.”]
That doesn’t mean it has to be the same but you don’t want to dole that out because sometimes it’s like, “That worked.” “No, that didn’t work.” “We thought this was good but maybe it’s not good.” How can we, on a baseline basic way and without getting crazy, take care of our health? We definitely can’t unite on anything else around COVID or any of it but the other part for me that I feel like we could all unite on is having that freedom, those choices. No one is going to dispute that freedom is important to all of us.
My whole thing is coming together around sovereignty and personal freedom because that’s a real gift and I don’t know that we want to give that away. I don’t want to fight. I’m not here to fight. I have my convictions about things. I live a certain way. I’m not here to push those beliefs on anyone. I’m certainly also hoping that I can have the freedom that I don’t have to get that pushed on me as well. COVID has been exhausting and has taken out a lot of people in different ways, physically, financially, and emotionally. If you have the strength to be steadfast and to put that into the ether we help things move forward even though it seems pretty tricky right now, for sure.
On a completely superficial note, I saw Mark Sisson. Mark Sisson is the creator of Primal Kitchen. This is what I want to share with you, there is a new shoe that he created. He didn’t ask me to do this. I don’t work with the company. It’s called Peluva. It’s a five-fingered toe shoe. A lot of people are like, “The way it looks.” However, we’ve been training in it and it’s badass.
Let’s say, normally, in your day-to-day life, you have to wear shoes. When you train and you don’t care if people think you look silly or not, instead of getting yoga toes, for example, this is an opportunity. You can walk around and train in this and keep spreading the toes and getting those feet open. They did a good job. I want to share that with you, Peluva. Mark Sisson has been wearing him forever and ever and he’s excited about this company so we’ll see.
On another superficial note, I’ve talked about how I got Morpheus. Women have asked me about the results. I was told to me that three is the magic number and not to go too deep. If people are exploring this, make sure you’re going to somebody that doesn’t go too deep into the skin. I do notice a difference in my skin.
In total transparency, they also did fat grafting. It’s a version of liposuction but there’s no downtime on your body. They put it in places that they think you need it. That also accentuated the outcome. I’ve had one and the skin seemed good. I looked puffy for about 3 or 4 days and a little beat up and then nothing after that. I want to share that because I did mention it. That was my superficial time out. I try to avoid that a little bit. I do have a little bit of that still.
I’ve been talking a lot with Laird, like, “What do we want to do next?” It’s interesting, you have to go where you’re naturally attracted. That’s important. There has to be an element too, a strategy. Whether it’s with our businesses, with Laird Superfood, XPT, or Laird Apparel, which I’m excited about, they’re doing a women’s line, that’s cool. They’re opening up a store. It’s having in place simultaneously your heart’s desire for that strategy.
I’m re-bringing that up because that does take effort and it takes planning and it takes calling people sometimes. I don’t if you’ve ever experienced this, there’s somebody on a call about a business situation and it’s uncomfortable. You want to ask their opinion or you want to see maybe if they would do something with you. I want to say that don’t let that get in the way of making the call. If they don’t want to do something with you, they’ll tell you. If you don’t ask, you will never know. That keeps showing up to me over and over. The older I get, the more I’m like, “I’m going to call.” Even if it’s like, “Can you give me advice?” “Would you be open to doing this project?” Anything.
It’s not letting the dread of someone saying no to something or being like, “It’s not for me to keep you from doing it.” You don’t know what’s going to happen. Many people I know that get stuff done have a lot of balls and just go for it and ask the questions and look around the corners. Sometimes I’m less like that. I want to remind you that it’s important to make those calls and send those emails. Conversely, on your side, do not be afraid that if people call you and they want whatever, say, “This isn’t the time for me,” or, “I don’t have the bandwidth.” That’s okay too. It works both ways.
I talk a lot about how I don’t sleep well and I want to that has been an ongoing thing for me. What I will say is I have been going to bed earlier and I have been waking up a little bit earlier and have been consistent on the time and that has helped me get it done. That has helped me improve my sleep and the quality of my sleep. A cool room and no lights.
I’m guilty of watching something before I go to bed because it’s my only time. The only time I can listen, read, or watch anything that I want is before I go to bed because I live in a house with a family and they watch what they want to watch and I don’t care that much to wrestle them to the ground for it. I’m still guilty of that. I do it a lot earlier. I will say that has helped me get to sleep better.
I’ve been doing the red bed as well. If you ever have access to a red bed, they talk about seven things that do some mitochondrial uncoupling and six of them are nutritional. Apparently, and I don’t know if this is true, one of them is with the red light bed. I’ve been doing that for fifteen minutes more consistently and it seems to be helping.
Besides that, I’m not particularly impressed with my physical output at this time but I’m going to start gearing up. I have been working on some of the things that I’m a little weaker on like my flexibility practice. Another person I want to share with you that I like a lot, I don’t even know him, and I’ve never interviewed him, is the Human Garage. They have a really beautiful little system. If you go online, you can follow one of their YouTube, 5-minute, 12-minute, or 45-minute stretching routines and I liked it.
Human Garage, Jill Miller, and, always, Kelly Starrett, The Ready State. They have a new book coming out that is called Built to Move and it’s excellent. I want to say that if you don’t listen to that podcast or you don’t hear that, hear me that this is so good. Kelly wrote Becoming a Supple Leopard. That thing is like a textbook, it is a beast, and it’s awesome. He and his wife, Juliet, who is brilliant, wrote Built To Move, and they peel out ten essential habits that we have to work on and practice and even score ourselves on for longevity, long-living, movement, independence, and all these things.
I’ll give you an example. I do so well on probably eight of them, truthfully, sleep, hydration, my community, having an environment for play, and things like that. Let me tell you, getting up and down off the floor, that’s one of my nightmares. I’m 6’3” and I have long levers. They’re like, “If you can get up without any assistance, here’s your score.” That’s not my score. “You need your hand?” “That’s me.” Sometimes I need my knee depending on if my hip hurts or whatever’s happening. What’s cool is it’s clear. I have that as a thing and I’m always working on my squat technique. Some are great.
I hinge like a beast. My squat is not pretty. My point is that if I go, “These other area areas are pretty good. Keep doing what you’re doing.” Now you can put some real energy into the buggers that are biting you. It makes it more achievable and clear. It’s like, “I know what I need to bite off.” Instead of feeling like you have to do everything all the time all at once because that gets overwhelming and then we don’t do anything. I appreciate this book. That book comes out on April 4th, 2023, Built to Move.
The world is going through an interesting time. I don’t want to say a hard time but an interesting time. The fact that we have so much information at our fingertips. Maybe it’s always been like this but the fact that we know so much makes it harder. There are many times that I feel fearful. What comes out of fear? Stress, anxiety, anger, aggression, and the ones that we don’t want. When I notice any of these feelings, I get aggressive when I become afraid. I armor up and lean into everything. I go, “I wonder what it is that you’re afraid of or you’re worried about.” I ask myself that.
It doesn’t make it disappear. It makes me see it, it makes me know it, and it makes me maybe not be able to be led by it or controlled by it. I can even say to somebody close to me, “This is hard.” It does help where I can shift over being more motivated, actions, and reactions from love and not from fear, which doesn’t work. That’s the world that we’re living in, everyone is afraid and balking and things like that.

Gabby Reece – Maybe if we all collectively pay attention, be more alert about it, and then every chance we get to be a little kinder, a little more loving, or a little more connected that we have the courage to do that.
It’s that and your sense of humor. I feel like we’ve lost our sense of humor. If you say, “What am I working on?” I’m going to be gearing up my workouts. I’ve been consistent, they just have not been very flashy. I definitely couldn’t make power for a small community with the wattage I’ve been creating lately. I’m going to be gassing it up a little bit. I have been doing my flexibility and my sleep training like I was committed to. My nutrition has been pretty tight but it’s going to be more wattage and also looking at things that I don’t understand with curiosity and not with a preconceived idea or dismissal because that’s easy for me to do.
My meaning maker or my brain is always trying to put everything in its place like everybody. I have a pretty serious tendency towards keeping that openness alive and to know what I know and then to let it all go and say, “I am going to keep my mind open and my heart open.” When I do feel fearful rather than be aggressive, I’m going to find a way to make myself feel better.
My hope for all of you is that this show and these guests, I know they bring so much value into my life, are bringing the same value or some value to your life to make it a little easier. Laura Day, the intuitive, talked about when you have resources, what are you going to do? Sit on them? No, you got to share them. Maybe you’re doing that in your own life. If you have anyone you would like me to interview or you have a question, I will take those. On my next solo podcast, I can answer that.
I will tell you a conversation that I’m going to be having that I’m excited about. It’s probably more female-oriented. Lauryn Bosstick is one-half of The Skinny Confidential. Her husband, Michael Bosstick, created Dear Media. They’re a badass couple. I’ll be talking to her. They’re a good example of a modern-day couple. They’re kicking ass and they got two little kids and I know there’s going to be a lot that I can learn from them because I lived differently.
With that, I look forward to hearing from you. I hope you are taking care of yourself and that you are genuinely finding ways through your nutrition, I say that first because it’s a killer, through some mindful practice. It doesn’t mean having some extensive meditation. It means being mindful and being connected to people.
Steven Kotler does have a comment in his book that says, “All the biggest studies, in the end game, and we know this from the Harvard study and all the other things, that connection is the story for longevity and meaning.” I’m still going to start with nutrition because it’s the hardest, the connection, sleep, stress management, hydration, and that perspective. Your frame of mind, what you believe about it, I don’t think you can eat or move out of that, that’s such an important starting point.
I’m working on not comparing myself to my old self and not fighting where I am but also not accepting the status quo, “That’s all I can do because I’m this age or I do this.” I want to remind you to define it for yourself. That goes back to, “If I listen to myself and I know myself, then I can define it for myself and it just makes it easier.” Make sure those people around you are reinforcing those beliefs that you have and for who you try to be and who you are. We can’t do it alone, it’s hard. I appreciate all of you. I appreciate your time. As always, I send you wishes of love, health, and adventure.
Thank you so much for reading this episode. Stay tuned for a bonus episode where I go deeper on one of the topics that resonated with me. If you have any questions for my guest or even myself, please send them to @GabbyReece on Instagram. If you feel inspired, please hit the follow button, and leave a rating and a comment. It not only helps me, it helps the show grow and reach new listeners.
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