Autumn is here, and with it: soccer games, school, and ramped up work schedules. It can be hard enough sustaining our busy lives, let alone trying to fit in fitness. Work, in particular, can really put a dent in finding not only extra time to exercise, but extra energy. Lord knows at the end of a long day all you might want to do is plop down on the nearest horizontal space.
Let’s get real with one another for a minute, though: We can’t find the time to workout, but truthfully, can we afford not to? Perhaps here lies one of the keys: It’s essential to line up your values with your schedule. If you can put a stake in the ground, and say, “Movement is a regular and essential part of my daily life,” then working from that head space can potentially help you connect with a new reality.
Here are four ways to put that stake into action:
Like Your Workout
I’m not saying that exercising isn’t sometimes a grind, or at times tough, but there is no reason you should hate every second. Find a few things you can thrive at, and do those. If you are an outside person forget the gym. Loved softball in high school? Find a league! Always been curious about rowing? Join a local club. Explore your neighborhood offerings.
Find Friendly Competition
Sign up for a fun run (now is a good time to look for a Turkey Trot) or charity event that’s a few months away, to help keep you on point with your training. This looming date will force you to study for the test. I mean if you never had to take a test in school, would you have voluntarily read all the material beforehand? No way. We are human. Add an exciting personal challenge to your mix, to help motivate you to ‘train.’
You can also use a Fitbit tracker to watch your progress during this time. To me, small improvements—whether it might be my ability to lift more or exercise for longer, or a change I can see in the mirror—keep me fired up.
Put It In Ink
In this crazy age of always being connected, we can only deliver by sealing our daily commitments. Yes, I’m talking about scheduling your workouts (even if it’s a walk with a friend or your trusty pet). WRITE IT DOWN and stick to it. Mark the exact time you are going to train, so you can tell yourself, as you are sitting there answering endless emails, “Huupppp: I gotta go since I made an appointment.” Treat your fitness time like any other appointment in your life. Believe me, those emails will still be there after you get your sweat on.
Know You Have Time
If you think you might only have ten minutes to move—and are tempted to not move because of it—just take those ten minutes. It truly is better to do a little something than nothing at all. At the end of the week, all those minutes can make significant deposits into your fitness bank.