Taking Charge of Your Own Life There is always the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? I was just talking with someone who asked me, “what were some of the things I learned from interviewing athletes over the years.” It dawned on me: even though each...
Train Smart: Know When & When Not to Go All Out My friend and fitness expert Paul Chek, who loves to kick people’s butt, used to always say, “No pain when you train.” What does that mean? How can you tell people as you’re trying to kill...
Organic Veggie Soup and Polenta Egg Salad Here’s a soup and salad dinner I made using a ton of local Hawaiian vegetables. I like to use whatever is in season. I have never added polenta to my salad’s but for this recipe it is the perfect fit. EGG SALAD...
Fight the holiday sweet cravings with these easy tips! Come December, it can be hard to escape the endless supply of holiday cookies, pies and other treats. Whether at home or in the office, it seems there is a never ending flow of indulgent temptations that have us...
My Holiday Health Guide All right it’s time to blow off some steam and go to a few Holiday parties. Hey, parties are a good thing if you can just manage them properly and not get beaten up by late nights, crappie food, and too much booze. It’s a drag to...
Armour for the Grind I have been traveling this past week, and something really obvious dawned on me. I don’t just need to stay in shape for my health and to look the way I want. It really has become an armor to help protect me in this intense time. Traffic,...